Program Activities

Students enrolled in the NSERC CREATE Guided Light, Tightly Packed training program will have three years to complete or participate in the following training elements. The activities will be offered through our annual workshops (hosted at INRS, Laval, UofT and FSU Jena), joint live webinars with all 4 campuses, and local programs. All trainees are required to complete a German research exchange or internship with a collaborating PI at Friedrich-Schiller University.

Training Program – Mobility

  1. Workshops: mandatory participation in Workshops, alternating annually between a Canadian Institution and Germany.
    1. TP-M1: hosted by Canadian institutions
      Laval University Autumn School, Oct 30 – Nov 2, 2017 (Completed)
      INRS-Photonics North Workshop, June 7 – 10, 2018 (Scheduled)
      2020-beyond TBD (in rotation among 3 universities, alternating with German workshop)
    2. TP-M2: hosted by German partner
      Jena, Germany – Summer School, Sep 19-23, 2016 (Completed)
      Jena-Munich Laser Photonics Congress – Summer School 2, June 2019 (Tentatively Scheduled)
      2021-beyond TBD (alternate years with Canadian workshops)
  2. TP-M3 – German Internship: Academic Collaboration (Friedrich-Schiller University), Fraunhofer IOF Program, and German Industry Internship (mandatory)
      Internship Program – Fall 2018 (Tentatively Scheduled with Zeemax Optical Training Module)
      Internship Program scheduled alternating years, aligned with TP-M2


Training Program – Professional Skills

Joint Activities

  1. Annual Workshop Modules
  2. TP-PS1: Course in topical area “Good Scientific Practice” (mandatory)
    TP-PS2: Course in topical area “Survival Skills for Scientists” (mandatory)
    TP-PS3: Interactive Program on “Entrepreneurship in Photonics” (mandatory)
    TP-PS4: Interactive Program on “Social Entrepreneurship in Photonics” (mandatory)
    TP-PS5: Incubator Workshop on “Innovation, Commercialization, IP, Prototyping” (mandatory)
    TP-PS6: Transferable skills: academic vs. industry career path, diversity/inclusivity, ethics (mandatory)
    TP-PS7: Industry Partner Workshop: Lectures, Training Courses, & Site Tours (mandatory)
    TP-PS8: Research Project-Area Workshop: Progress Reports and Commercial Evaluation (mandatory)

  3. Webinars, On-Line Courses, and Video Seminars
  4. TP-PS9: Course “Entrepreneurship 101” at MaRS (5 week course – mandatory)
    TP-PS10: Webinar: Research Project Workshop in each Pillar area (3 total/year  – mandatory)
    TP-PS11: Webinar: Doctoral Seminar via Teleconference (10/year – mandatory by PhD students)
    TP-PS12: Webinar: Creative Learning Seminars by PI & trainee (10/year -mandatory)
    Also includes elements of TP-PS14, TP-PS17

Local Activities – Elements of these topics will also cycle into Annual Workshop Training Modules and Webinars

TP-PS13: Industry Partner Workshop: (3 single-day workshops per year per location – optional)
TP-PS14: Guest Professor Lectures (6/year at local institution, webinar, or annual workshop – mandatory)
TP-PS17: Research Writing (publications, papers, grants) course/workshop (optional)
TP-PS18: Course “Grant Writing: Best Practices” (INRS trainee option for TP-PS17)
TP-PS19: Course in topical area “Laser Research Training” (Laval trainees – mandatory)